
ASUS ASPARAGUS. Andie’s home province of Tarlac is fast shaping up to be a land of surprising discoveries for us. First the Mulberries and then these ASPARAGUS. The first reaction that we get from members when we announce these Asparagus from this province is some incredulity — “Asparagus grows in warm places?”. The second reaction, when they get delivered, is amazement — “Asus, these are the longest-stemmed asparagus I have ever seen!” The farmer is a nice fellow. Actually he is the “last farmer standing” from an initial group of farmers who tried to grow Asparagus…and failed. He is the only one who succeeded. The others have since plowed their failed asparagus into the ground and moved on to grow “easier” crops.

ASPARAGUS — P550 for 1 kilo (approx.)
Helps a Tarlac, Tarlac farmer

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