
See how the supermarket version and the pog-pog version are exactly the same. Wait, the pog-pog version is much beter looking pala.

SO NIR AND YET SO FAR. We’re sending Nir, our brave little rescue truck, to far-away Gabaldon on a mission to track down a farmer harvesting BUTTERNUT SQUASH. We know the barangay is Bugnan, we know it’s the second harvest of just less than 1,000 kilos. We do not know the farmers name, our man forgot it after their chance encounter at the Gabaldon Public Market. If we succeed in finding farm and farmer, we’ll have a regular supply of this most delicious variety of squash. The price per kilo is P216. We’ll be happy for you to have it at that price, for 3 kilos. Steal! Click here __

BUTTERNUT SQUASH are sweet in taste, sticky and quite rare, they are the best kind of squash for roasting and drizzling with olive oil, or pureeing with a slice of butter, nuts, and dash of salt. Another good thing about these is that they are small in size. One piece provides enough servings for two people, the rest you can open for another day.

BUTTERNUT SQUASH — P216 for 3 kilos
Helps Gabaldon, Nueva Ecija farmers

Out of stock


Additional information

Weight 3 kg


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