
We chanced upon Junie, a wild fruit gatherer, while we were traversing a forested area in Amadeo, Cavite. He had an armful of PASSION FRUITS and a very likeable attitude. Happy to let you know that we are able to get mid-land passion fruits again from Cavite and Quezon province. Gatherers like Junie need a few days advance headway so they can gather enough to make the trip worth it. We’re looking at a Friday May 31 pickup. It’s Sariaya first and then a stop in Amadeo. Members re very welcome to partake of this bounty.

PASSION FRUIT — P999 for 40 pieces

Helps Cavite and Quezon farmer/gatherers

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PASSION FRUIT SNAP BUY. We are happy to offer Wild Grenadilla-variety Passion Fruit. Guaranteed sweet, guaranteed freshly harvested. If you give P999, you shall get 40 pieces for juicing and slurping. Do enjoy.

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