
THIS WEEK WILL YOU EAT MORE POTATOES? We are ringing the warning bells on Potatoes. The price of this crop has been falling in the past days. This is an attempt to stabilize the market a little, by giving a couple of farmers more. We know these farmers. They were the same ones we we helped in October 2022, after a strong typhoon ravaged Benguet. I forget the name of the typhoon already, so many have passed. We have not forgotten these farmers, we shall help them like we did in the past. This week, RuRi, will you eat more Potatoes?

Back read the story:
ALAS FOR PATATAS. Last night’s raging river has abated enough to allow the farmers to slog to their fields and fish what’s left of their potatoes out of the muck. Only those tubers which happened to be buried deepest remain! The mother plant, the mother tuber and potatoes closer to the surface have all been washed away. It is enough to make one cry but these highland farmers refuse to be defeated. It’s another day in the doldrums that longtime farmers have learned to live with. What is another lost harvest? What is poverty extended by another period? If you watch this video, you will find the silence deafening and saddening.

POTATOES — P299 for 3 kilos
Helps Buguias, Benguet farmers

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Weight 3 kg


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